Do you have a childhood experience of bathing so long soaking up to one’s
In Japan, children in snowy towns count to a hundred in a warm
bath, till their fingers get wrinkly. We call this “HOTOBITA”.
Time for singing
and listening to grandfather is sooo fun-filled for kids.
“HOTO” is the Chinese character for moisture.
Dried scallops and mushrooms gradually soften in water before cooked.
Harvested in season, dried and preserved. And one day, they are picked up,
gradually regaining their tenderness in water to turn into indispensable flavor
and texture for our cooking.
It is such a slow-life way that our hospitality is aiming for.
We hope our customers feel at home and relax in body and spirit here at 潤hotobil.
Find your own HOTOBIRU time.
Our dog, miniature schnauzer stays in the dining room on the 1st floor, but
never enters any guest rooms. For those who have dog allergy or feel
uncomfortable with a dog, our guest house is not recommendable.